
Padjelanta / Badjelánnda National Park. Sweden. 2025

Route: Stáloluokta - Gájlávágge- Pieskahaure - Vájmok - Kvikkjokk.

This hiking trip takes you to Swedish Laponia (Laponia is the Latin name for Lapland). This wilderness is the largest unified natural landscape in Europe, i.e. an area that has not been modified by humans. In 1996, Lapland was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It comprises a total of four national parks and two nature reserves. One of Lapland's four national parks is Padjelanta, Sámi Badjelánnda, bordering Norway in the west.

Our hiking route goes here - among vast fell hills and larg lakes. The abundant fell meadows also hide rare plants. In the shelters of these wildernesses, the arctic fox, the tawny owl, the golden eagle live. 

Day 1. Meeting in Jokkmokk. Indoor accommodation.

Day 2. Transport to Ritsem. From here we take a helicopter ride to the Sámi village of Stáloluokta - the Fiskeflyget company maintains a helicopter route to the Sámi settlement of Stáloluokta in the summer. Overnight in a tent.

Day 3. We hike from Stáloluokta to the vicinity of the Stáddajåhkå hut. Overnight in a tent. About 12 km.

Day 4. We hike in the Gájlavágge valley towards Lake Pieskehaure. Overnight in a tent. About 18 km.

Day 5. We hike to Pieskehaure. Overnight in a tent. About 14 km.

Day 6. We hike to the campsite near Lake Vájmok. Overnight in a tent. About 20 km.

Day 7. We hike to the Tarrekaise STF mountain hut. Overnight in a tent. About 23 km.

Day 8. We hike to the Kvikkjokk STF mountain station. We are staying at the mountain station. About 21 km.

Day 9. Departure from the mountain station by bus to Jokkmokk. Trip ends in Jokkmokk.

Moln´s excursions in the Nordic countries can also be easily reached by public transport, train or bus, so you can see more of the destination country. We will pick you up from the nearest train or bus station. You can easily get to this trip by e.g. by train: Stockholm - Jokkmokk, or Haaparanta - Jokkmokk. Or by ship: Vaasa - Umeå, from which further connection by train: Umeå - Jokkmokk.

Place. Padjelanta National Park. Sweden.
Date. 2025
Duration. 9 days. 6 days of hiking.
Participants. Min 4 - Max 6.
Level. Moderate
Accomodation. Hotel in Jokkmokk. Twin rooms. During hike in STF mountain huts and tents.
Transportation. The participants will make their own way to Jokkmokk. We will meet the participants in Jokkmokk.
Guide. Roope Roine.
Price. 1250€
Insurance. The participants are responsible for their own insurance. Travel insurance is recommended.
Included in the price. Guide services. Transfers during the week. Helicopter ride. Accomondation in twin rooms. Tent.
Not included in the price. Travel to and from Jokkmokk. Food. Insurance.